Vjosa Valley, the last river still left wild in Europe is an undisturbed river floodplain ecosystems, a natural heritage of European significance. The area is also highly interesting from a biogeographical point of view. With its high degree of endemic biota, it provides excellent conditions for ecological processes and the specific biodiversity under near-natural conditions. The Vjosa is characterized by a large proportion of fish species that are endemic to the Balkans.
The highly undisturbed river dynamics and the river-floodplain ecosystems along the Vjosa are in an excellent conservation status.
Also geological settings and physical geography, accompanied by spectacular natural phenomena, give a significant scientific, didactic, recreational and geo-touristic importance on a local, regional and international level.
The Vjosa Watershed has a wide variety of ecosystems and landscapes of regional, national and international importance. The landscape of the Vjosa River watershed (especially in the upper and middle parts) is characterized by the presence of a series of geologicalgeomorphological natural monuments such as: geological structures, river terraces, glacial landscapes, spectacular canyons, narrow valley segments with almost vertical slopes (from 300–400 m to 900–1000 m high) and pure water springs. The carbonate formations, deeply affected by the karst phenomenon, lead to the formation of groundwater flows draining along the Vjosa valley in 47 permanent water springs.
The characteristic landscapes are associated to a specific biodiversity and grassy vegetation. The Vjosa/Aoös catchment has a high ecological and aesthetic value due to the presence of rare flora and fauna. Forests and hygrohydrophilic vegetation are also encountered. Habitats expressing all types of vegetation are naturally intertwined. Protected areas, having different status according to the UCN, are identified in the Vjosa Watershed.
The Vjosa Watershed encompasses important natural monuments of high value still unidentified, not evaluated or cataloged.
Geo-diversity is associated with biodiversity. The most important is the giant natural geomonument canyon of the Vjosa River, with a length of about 20 km, with a valley depth of ranging from 900 m to 1600 m and width ranging from 180 m in Kelcyra, up to 130 m in the Dragoti. The most spectacular zone of the Vjosa Canyon is the vertical left side of the valley going from an elevation of 160 m (Vjosa River) up to 1000–1040 m, having a width of about 1.5–6 km.
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