
Category Uncategorized

6 Apr

10 things to do

We have several mountain bikes to rent for the riders. They are electrical and not so you can decide to challenge yourself or enjoy the ride. If there is a group that wants to explore longer and deeper into Albanian rural reality, we can organize an equipped explore with 4x4 van and camping tents and picnic material. You need to contact us to create together your perfect experience.

4 Apr

Vjosa Tour

vjosa-tour-finaleDownload This tour is going around the natural wander of ‘’Valley of Vjosa River’’. Rivers have always brought civilizations around them; therefore the Vjosa valley is rich in archeological sites, architectural specificity and history. During this tour we will be able to touch and experience a rich culture also in cult objects, fortifications, castles, old […]

14 May

Hithra (Urtica Dioica)

Perberesit Aktive : Rizoma : polisakaride, tanine, laktine, perberes fenolike, linjane, sterole. Gjethet : proteina te plota, flavonoide, vitamina, kripra minerale dhe oligo-elemente : vitamine C (7 here me shume se portokalli), hekur, calcium (pothuajse sa djathi), provitamine A. E perdorur me pare si revulsiv ne raste paralizash, hithra ishte e njohur ne mjekesine popullore […]

14 May

Dellinja (Juniperus Communis)

Perberesit Aktive : Konet : tanine, sheqere, rezine, juniperine, diterpene, essence aromatike te pasur me karbure (pinene, mircen, sabinen, limonene, terpineol) Matthiole (botanist Italian), ne shekullin XVI, e rekomandonte drurin e dellinjes per banja kunder grumbullimit ne artikulacione te acidit urik i cili shkakton dhimbje dhe iflamacion te kyceve. Gjethet dhe majat e celura, por sidomos hiri […]

14 May

Bliri (Tilia sp.)

Perberesit aktive : Lulet : mucilage, tanine, acide fenolike, proantocianidole, flavonoide(midis te cilave, kuarcetina dhe kuanferoli), esence aromatike. Pjesa e brendshme e levores : acide fenolike, tanine, fraksocid, eskulocid, aminoacide. Plini (natyralist romak i shekullit te pare te eres tone) i permend efektet fatlume te veres se levores se blirit ne librin e tij ‘’te metat e lekures’’. […]